Monday, November 12, 2012

The Petraeus Affair

General Petraeus strayed, showed bad judgement, and did the honorable thing in resigning.  As the Director of the CIA, he was compromised and would have had trouble leading after the affair became public. 

The trouble with all this, if you listen to the items in the press, seems to center around timing and what the White House knew and when they knew it relative to the election.  Instead of what a tragedy it is to lose such a competent public servant and leader, Republicans seem to salivate at the prospect of embarrassing the president all the while, perhaps unconsciously, fantasizing about unwinding the Presidential election last week.  Can Kenneth Star be far behind?

But lets face it: General Petraeus did the most honorable thing by waiting until after the election to resign.  That way, American could stay focused on the real priority, the election, instead of getting all sidetracked into the depraved world of affairs, cuckold husbands, paparazzi photos of couples and "the other woman." If another country wants to distract America while it invades us or another country, all they need to do is to start a sex scandal.  I just hope we don't fall over the "fiscal cliff" while we are fixated on all the sordid details of "sex, lies, and video tape."

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