Monday, July 9, 2012

Who is Andrei

Who is Andrei Cherny?

Have you gotten your personal call from Andrei asking for funds even tho you don't live in the great Az Congressional District of 9?  Have you received your letter from Terry Goddard supporting him and lambasting Kyrsten Sinema?  Or have you received anonymous emails questioning Dave Shapira's qualifications to hold a congressional office?

Well, I have, and for what it is worth, here is what I think:  When I was running as a candidate for the House in 2010 both Kyrsten Sinema and Dave Shapira were there most months working at Dem Headquarters and helping us with running our campaigns, bringing sharper focus our messaging, and generally being accessible.  They were there for us and for the party.

Yes, I know Andrei was State Democratic Party Chair, but unlike with Bill Roe or even Don Bivens, I never ran into Andrei; he just wasn't that visible.

But, that is not my current beef.  I periodically go over to the Daily Kos and see what is up in Liberal Land.  And if you do and put in Andrei Cherny in the search bar, eureka, this is what comes out:

Poke around on some of the links in the post of the Daily KOS, particularly the YouTube video of Andrei's views on ACA (Obama Care) and other issues like immigration.

Makes you wonder "who exactly is Andrei Cherny?"
My Daily Dose of The Arizona Republic

"Dems question Romney's Finances" is on the front page of the printed version of the Arizona Republic today, Monday July 9th.  Read on a little and one sees that the Dems have problems with opaque or hidden donors to the Romney campaign, his offshore bank accounts, and his unreleased bank accounts.  Romney calls these "attacks" as "an unfounded character assault,...".

My question is more basic: Why aren't also the Republicans questioning offshore bank accounts, opaque donors, and unreleased bank accounts?  Is this a question asked just by Dems only?  If for not for legality reasons, parking money using the Caymen Islands or Switzerland to for bank accounts by a presidential candidate has to be questioned on moral grounds.  As far as I know, it has to be unprecedented in American history.  And, we aren't even talking about the the offshore tax shelters, outsourcing of job to foreign governments and Romney's systematic destruction of American companies.